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BBC News: Why Is That?
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BBC News: Global citizen
Global Citizen: Shotgun with camera and WiFi facing criticism
The Russian gun manufacturer Kalashnikov Concern is facing criticism for marketing a new high-tech shotgun at young people. The weapon includes a barrel-mounted video camera, WiFi and Bluetooth and can be synced with a smartphone. The company says the gun’s gadgets can help owners “track their progress in shooting sports… as a runner does with a heartbeat monitor”.



Global Citizen: The rise of India’s viral wedding photoshoots
Newlyweds in some parts of India are shunning traditional Hindu wedding photos in favour of exotic photoshoots in the hope that they will go viral online. Elaborate outdoor shoots include fake rain and can take eight hours or more. The BBC World Service has been speaking to one couple in the state of Kerala, on India’s Malabar Coast.



Global Citizen: The Japanese estate agent selling 'haunted' houses
Akira has been selling 'haunted' houses for five years and has dealt with around 500 homes. In Japan, many people believe that houses can be haunted, and that the ghosts of people who died a lonely death, killed themselves or were murdered can haunt the living. These properties are on the increase with a declining Japanese population, which is expected to drop from 127 million to about 88 million by 2065.



Global Citizen: Is this the world's most dangerous commute?
One way to travel in the Philippine capital, Manila, is by trolley. Passengers choose this unofficial transport service because it's quicker and cheaper than other options. For the homeless community that runs the illegal service, it puts food on the table. But it's also incredibly dangerous.



Global Citizen: I'm the father to 110 huskies
Does the thought of living with over a hundred dogs sound like a dream or a nightmare? Well for Audun, who lives in the world's northernmost settlement, this is a reality. But his new Norwegian home, Longyearbyen, located in the Arctic, is believed to be warming faster than any other town on Earth. He talks about running a sustainable business.



Global Citizen: Could this pensioner-friendly village be the future?
Pescueza in Extremadura, western Spain, is adapting to provide for the needs of its older population through a non-profit project called Stay With Us. It aims to provide elderly residents, who make up two thirds of its population, with the services they need in the hope they can remain independent.



Global Citizen: Solar energy empowers young women in Yemen
A group of ten women in Yemen’s Abs district have built and now run a solar microgrid – the first of its kind in the country. The project was set up in 2019 with the help of the UN Development Programme. The women now run the station as their own business – providing affordable, renewable energy to a community living near a war zone. As a result of the project’s success, there are plans to build 100 microgrids around the country – employing more local women. Station manager Iman Ghaleb Hadi Al-Hamali explains how the work has given the group confidence and hope.



Global Citizen: The teacher who convinced The Bahamas to ban plastic
Kristal Ambrose founded The Bahamas Plastic Movement in 2013 and aims to tackle the serious problem of plastic pollution in The Bahamas. The 29-year-old started tuition-free youth camps in order to educate the country's children and also drafted a bill which she took to the environment minister. Her work meant that The Bahamas introduced a nationwide ban on single-use plastic in 2020.



Global Citizen: The secret artists creating miniature buildings for street mice
On streets across Europe, a secret organisation of artists who go by the name AnonyMouse have been creating little places for mice to use. From a record store in Lund, to a miniature castle on the Isle of Wight, AnonyMouse say they want to remind people that the "street belongs to everyone, and changing that space is up to all of us". To keep their anonymity, TEDX speaker Mia Liljeberg (who has no affiliation with the organisation) voiced their answers.



Global Citizen: U.Me: The Musical - Recording an orchestra in lockdown
The music for U.Me: The Musical was created by Steve Levine and the BBC Philharmonic. Each musician from the BBC Philharmonic had to record their tracks from their own homes due to Covid restrictions. Steve Levine produced Culture Club’s classic hits. Other artist collaborations include the Clash and the Beach Boys. The BBC Philharmonic is one of the BBC’s five orchestras and widely recognised as one of Europe’s most adventurous, innovative and versatile orchestras. The music was composed by Theo Jamieson.





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